Coordinator: Mike Crist
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
Because of safety concerns for our children, we are requesting that everyone follow these procedures at Hardin Northern.
When bringing students to school in the morning, please drive through the north parking lot in the back of the building and drop students off at the cafeteria doors. To help the flow of traffic just drop children off at the sidewalk and then pull on through. If you wish to walk your child into the building, please park in the front of the building and enter the main doors.
The doors will not open until 8:00 a.m. At this time students will enter the building and go directly to the cafeteria. Students have will have the option to eat breakfast. See the cafeteria page for more information.
Please remember that anytime a parent goes to the classroom, or even into the halls, they are required to register in the office and wear a visitor’s badge. This policy is in effect even when you are walking your children to classrooms in the morning upon arrival. Remember, this is for the safety of all of our children.
School begins at 8:20a.m. Students who arrive after 8:20 a.m. will need to enter through the front doors and sign-in.
In the afternoons, parents of elementary students need to pick students up in the north parking lot at the elementary doors. Please park in the north lot and walk to the building to pick up your student.
Students will be released at approximately 3:18 p.m.
Thank you for helping keep our children safe. We appreciate your cooperation in these matters. Any inconveniences at the beginning will be worth our children’s safety.