History Brigade

Due to restrictions related to Covid this year’s Veteran’s Day Ceremony is virtual. We would like to invite the community to watch this celebration video of our Veterans. The Student Council Members along with Mr Foster and the History Brigade have put together a video honoring our Military Veterans. This also includes a special musical performance by our 4th grade classes. We hope you enjoy and thank you for all who have served our country!

Living Memory is a project sponsored by the Hardin Northern History Brigade. We want to honor those who have served our nation. Our goal is to help preserve the stories and memories of our local veterans for future generations. To show our thanks and honor your memory, we would like to invite our local veterans to schedule an appointment to visit the school and sit for a short interview while we capture your story on video for display on the school website. Feel free to bring any pictures you would like to share.

If you are interested in having your story preserved in Living Memory, please contact the History Brigade by calling or emailing Joe Foster or by visiting the school web page for the Living Memory Project.

Reenactors from different time periods came to Hardin Northern today to introduce elementary students to history. “We’re giving the students a taste of what early history was like”, said Mr. Foster HN HS history teacher, who organized the event. Stations were setup throughout the campus such as artillery, infantry, fur trade, WWI, WWII, and even the FCCLA was there demonstrating how to cook 1800’s style.